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Cathodic Protection
Cathodic protection is an electrochemical technique used to prevent corrosion on submerged metallic structures such as pipelines, storage tanks, seashore structures etc. This dynamic preventative measure can stop or reduce the level of corrosion caused by aggressive soil or electrolyte conditions.

Corrosion Monitoring
Monitoring stations will provide along the pipeline/tank bottoms/ rebar etc. to confirm the effectiveness of the applied CP current and to permit electrical access for other corrosion control monitoring activities, with the help of the device such as the coupon.

Abrasive Blasting & Coating
Abrasive blasting and coatings play an important role in the maintenance and preservation of critical public and private infrastructure, such as highway overpasses, bridges, water towers, ships, etc. The steel surfaces of these assets routinely need to be cleaned and coated to prevent corrosion and loss of useful life.